We Don’t Have to Hold it All Alone

When fear and passion come together and are held in the gentle, loving embrace of compassion we can let go and begin to know who we truly are beneath many masks, the fears, and the blinding expectations. Each and every one of us is made up of so many parts. None of them are bad and when we learn to let each part have a place at the table and give it the opportunity to share about why it’s here, what it needs, and how it came into being, we can learn so much about ourselves–our wounds, our insecurities, our triggers, and so much more. It’s takes a lot of courage and vulnerability to let our parts meet and to invite them to dialogue. It doesn’t always go the way we’d hoped or planned, but we can always call in other parts like curiosity or compassion to come in and help us hold space. We don’t have to hold it all along. 🥲🌱🎨💜