past events

By the grace of Allah, our past workshops were a success! Thank you to everyone who attended.
Here is some of the feedback we received from the sisters who attended:

“This workshop has inspired me to take better care of myself – like sleep and movement; taking care of myself and my mental and emotional health is also a form of ibadah.”

“I really appreciated the fact that the group was for Muslim women and was lead by a female Muslim therapist. Finding sisters that are willing to listen for the sake of listening who that are authentic, helps bring me closer to Allah. I appreciated having a group that felt like it was open to creativity, honesty and authenticity.”

“What I enjoyed most about this workshop was how random objects can be used to express my innermost feelings.  I didn’t expect myself to get that emotional in this work, but I felt I was safe in this loving environment. Coming together with like-minded sisters who are in love with the Prophet ﷺ and Allah ﷻ was such a blessing. SubhanAllah.”

“Sr. Zaynab, may Allah bless you. You are an anchor to many sisters like myself; an anchor of positivity and hope. Alhumdulilah, Allah directed me to your wonderful work as I was scrolling on the Internet. Your Ramadan workshop has helped me realize that I need to love myself more and to speak to my emotions and acknowledge them.”

You can read more shares from sisters about their experiences with Muslimah Therapy one-on-one sessions and events on our Kind Words page.