We have Choices, Even in Our Discomfort

I’ve been in a 3-day Comparative Psychotherapies training since Friday and after our last practice session this afternoon, I was feeling a bit shaken. Something had come up during one of the sessions where I was in the role the client that I wasn’t expecting at all. I’m smiling now as I think about it …

Finding the Courage to Explore Vulnerability

Yesterday I held a family Expressive Arts Therapy session with two sisters and the theme we explored was vulnerability. I played a short Brene Brown clip as we eased our way into exploring the art materials. We spent some time with Brene’s quote about vulnerability, being with uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure and we leaned into …

Tending to Triggers

Expressive Arts Therapy is a person-centered, relational and experiential arts-based approach to psychotherapy that engages the client through a process of creative self-discovery as a way to reconnect with their inner strengths and resources. Clients may explore issues through visual art, creative writing, poetry, drama, music, voice and movement as catalysts for personal inquiry and …