Making Space for Our Resources to Arrive

Today I invited a client to come into her body, connect with her breath and see what need she was most present with. We spent a few moments breathing into that need, welcoming it, exploring it. Then I invited her to reach for a colour that she felt most inclined to and to bring her need onto a piece of paper. She spent a few minutes deep in process. The need in this image is in black ink in the middle. It arrived in many disconnected lines and a few words later followed: please be patient with me; see all of me; be gentle; understand.

I then invited her back to her body and breath. We began moving, exploring the space around us. I asked her to imagine what it might be like for her to have access to anything and everything that might meet her need, nothing beyond her reach. We moved around the space exploring all of her resources, internal and external, pulling them in close. It was powerful, moving. After a few moments I invited my client to reach for a colour that she felt connected to ask she tended to her need and to bring that into her image. Soon we opened it up to bring in other colours. The tending arrived in the form of bubbles in many sizes, filled with many colours. Words arrived near the end, landing on some of the bubbles; words like: softness, sincerity, intimacy, curiosity, faith, awareness, trust, hope, listening, laughter, authenticity, and care.

Once the space was made for these resources, it was like the floodgates were opened and the possibilities of all that could tend to her need poured in. It was such an important reminder that what we need is often here, we just have to make the space to let it in. 🎨🌱🥰